For as long as I've lived in my current spot I've driven by the same scruffy alley cat day after day. I've affectionately deemed her "Birthday Kitty"
She's always been super sweet, every time I've stopped to give her a scratch she runs right up and is such a lover.
I hadn't seen birthday kitty around in quite a while, until last night.
Last night, I was driving pulling into my alley after work around midnight and there was birthday kitty, or at least what used to be scruffy old birthday kitty. She could barely hold herself up, her hair has fallen out from the waist down, and she's so severely malnourished it's heart-wrenching! I parked and ran over and swooped her up, it was like picking up a skeleton. This cat hadn't had a proper meal in weeks at least
I cannot believe that someone could let this happen to a poor defenseless animal. It's truly outrageous.
I took her in, made her a bed and fed her last night, and gave her as much love as I possibly could have. First thing this morning we rushed to the vet, where she is now and they are trying to stabilize her and and decide if she'll be able to pull through. (fingers crossed)
The downfall is the $600 price tag attached to trying to save this poor things life.
Again, how the hell can somebody do this??
On the flip side
I was contacted by a woman who works with a local rescue organization who asked me for the info on where I've taken beloved birthday kitty, she's forwarded the info to a contact list of over 500 people! I just spoke with the vet for an update on my girl, and they said they've already received $35 dollars in anonymous donation towards Birthday Kitty's care!
So while I condemn the horrible person who left poor birthday kitty to die, I praise the kindness of those who received a random email today, pleading for help in saving her life and picked up their phones and donated to an animal they've never even seen!
If you to felt so inclined, Birthday Kitty is being treated at the Friendly Animal Hospital in Huntington Beach, Ca. She's under my name, Jamie French.. The number is (714) 845-5722
Thanks Friends
(7/30/2010 - 11PM)
I've picked Birthday Kitty up from the vet for the night, she's been on IV fluids all day, and has gotten started on antibiotics. Her blood work result were very poor, but the Dr said there's hope for her, so I'm staying positive! She's excited to have a little bit of wet food, and a nice warm bed, and some serious petting!
The vet bills for today came to less than they'd quoted at about $450
I paid $300 out of pocket, but the remainder was paid via donations!
The woman with the rescue organization also contacted me and said that some of her people gave money to her directly and that she thought it to be around another $100!
Which knocks my out of pocket cost to only $200!
And the best news?!! Another person has contacted me and may be willing to take Birthday Kitty tomorrow to her own vet and incur all medical costs from here on out!
Fingers crossed that this option works out, cuz Bday kitty has a long (and pricey) road to recovery!
Here's a pic from this evening, she still looks pretty pathetic, but seemed to have a bit more energy tonight!
Thanks again friends!