So.... I need a new job. I can't do it anymore. "The Factory" is killing me! Today was ridiculous- out of control. Our corporate manager was in all day, riding us hard. Anything and everything that could go wrong did. He spoke to me like I was 5 all day. I just can't keep putting in these hours for such shitty money. I'm lucky to make in two shifts what I used to make in one. To top off my 9 hours in hell, I came home to find a notice that my health benefits are being cancelled do to lack of hours. I haven't taken vacation, I've worked what I've been scheduled, however its not enough, and I can't have something as important as health insurance be in limbo. It's really the only reason I've stuck with this place for so long.
So I've decided. I'm done and done. Time to move on. I know I can do better, shit, I deserve better. Tomorrow I start my hunt.... fingers crossed! If anyone out there knows somewhere that's hiring..... hook a girl up! I've got a damn good resume, I promise!
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