I've decided to pick up the Chronicles of Narnia for the umpteenth time. If you have not read these books, you are doing yourself a horrible injustice. Seriously. I will personally deliver my own copy to your door step, tomorrow, and forego my own re-reading. If you have kids and haven't read them to your children, then I personally deem you an unfit parent and recommend you call CPS on yourself.
So I'm interested to know what other people currently have on their nightstand. Do tell! I'm always looking for suggestions!
I've never read those books. Did you hear Disney is pulling the plug on making any more of the Movies because they lost money on them? I just read that yesterday. As for what is on my nightstand right now, Artie Lang's book, To Fat to Fish, funny read to get my spirits up.
Miss O is currently reading The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. She picked it herself. I thought you'd be glad to know. Please don't call CPS :)
Great books! I've read them over and over again!
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