Please be safe out there tonight guys!
I'm in orange county, and if you get stuck, or have a little too much (you know what i mean, wink wink...) give me a call, shoot me a text or even email me (( )) and I'll get you home safe, call your cab, or pick you up.... Don't hesitate!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
What Are You Reading?
I've decided to pick up the Chronicles of Narnia for the umpteenth time. If you have not read these books, you are doing yourself a horrible injustice. Seriously. I will personally deliver my own copy to your door step, tomorrow, and forego my own re-reading. If you have kids and haven't read them to your children, then I personally deem you an unfit parent and recommend you call CPS on yourself.
So I'm interested to know what other people currently have on their nightstand. Do tell! I'm always looking for suggestions!
December always puts this song in my head...
first song i ever learned all the lyrics to............
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
And another one down, and another one down, another one bites the dust....
Well, well, well. I can't believe its almost Christmas.... Seriously! What the hell?! This year has been crazy.... An intense election, a crashing economy, new friends, old friends, a trip to Mexico, cats, ping pong, poker, books, tears, belly chuckles, school, work, earthquakes..... Is this what happens when you get old? You blink and its another year?
A few things I've learned this ear: 1. Choose wisely- Friends come and go, but when you've chosen the right ones they'll stay in your heart forever. Everyday you'll make decisions and it isn't till after that you realize the impact those choices will make, so trust your gut, your instincts, take life seriously, we aren't kids anymore. 2. Laugh- as much as you can, whenever you can. Sometimes it's all you have. 3. Show and embrace affection- our bodies, our souls were meant to feel bodily contact. Hug your folks, hug your friends, hug your cat. We should never go a single day without feeling the warmth of someone else's skin.
I want to say thank you to my family and friends, I've had some ups and downs this year and Im so glad to have had the people in my life who shared these times with me. I love you all more than you know.
I'm apprehensive about the year to come. There's a lot of change on the horizon, the change I voted for, the change that's inevitable, the change I won't know til it's done. In 27 days we will swear the first black President of the United States in to office amidst a storm of crisis. We will sit on the edge of our seats to see if this man will be the one to reintroduce us to national pride. We will see much struggle in the coming months in leui of our failing economy. Freinds and loved ones and even ourselves will be affected first hand, and we will ban together to ensure that our families come out on top. We will reach goals everyday, and set new ones every night.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and listening to my head, so far this has been a very good addition to my life and I hope it only gets better, for both of us.
I wish you all the happiest of holidays, surrounded by family and friends, and serenity in these confusing and hectic days.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
What to do, What to do.....?
So it's the end of another semester, and I'm going through the usual head trip.... Lots of big changes coming up, some good, some will be good in the long run, I hope. Met with a counselor, found out that the previous counselor I met with advised me wrong on a couple things (my fault for not following up), so it's another semester at OCC, which isn't too bad seeing as how the state of our country has our public school system spinning out, millions of dollars in budget cuts have our calstate system soooooo impacted that the chances of me transferring in 2009 are slim to none. Gives me a lil wiggle-room to boost my GPA. Two classes and I'm ready to go to big girl school, finally. I feel like I'm super behind, but I'm happy to be on a path. The issue for me now is to narrow that path down a bit. What do I want to be when I grow up? WAIT! I'm already grown up! Crap, when did that happen?????? I'm contemplating a lot right now, I thought I knew EXACTLY what my plan was after junior college, but I'm starting to second guess things lately. Ultimately, I want to end up doing something I love. I've never lived an extravagant lifestyle, so my monetary drive is merely to be comfortable- stable. I want to have a fulfilling career. I want to be exceptional at whatever it is I do for a profession. I want to make a difference in the lives of people around me. I want to never stop learning. I want to travel. I want people to remember my name. So if anyone can tell me what career path will fulfill these requirements, I'm totally open to suggestions right now.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Only $1,400 And This Baby Could Be Yours!
It's the TwoDaLoo!
I'm serious, they're really selling these bad boys, buy yours here, just in time for Christmas!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Art of TP
I want to take a minute to advise you, dear readers, on successful toilet papering. Hopefully, I might even spur a few of you to action. TPing is a beloved activity of mine, and it just doesn't seem to get the recognition it deserves. It comes in many forms: the car TP, the House TP, The Bike TP, the Sneak Attack TP, the All-Nighter TP, the On Location TP, the Interrupted Double TP, and so many more. TPing IS appropriate for almost EVERY situation (please contact me for funeral TP guidelines)- birthdays, anniversaries, last days of work, graduations, holidays... you name it, I'll TP it. I encourage you to invoke this childhood silliness next time an event occurs in your own life, trust me, all parties will be blessed. But first there are a few guidelines I must clear up prior to your engagement in this wonderful sport:
1. This ain't your 2nd grade Slumber Party debacle- You are an adult now, and have the resources to do an adult TP job. Commit! Plan Ahead. Make sure you have examined the potential target. How much toilet paper will you need for coverage? Save yourself a dime, and make an advance run to costco, skip the last minute shopping spree. Have your product unwrapped and ready for quick disbursement onsite. Speed and Agility are your biggest allies.
2. Get your timing right- We big kids stay out late. We work, we go to bars, we do walks of shame. Make sure your target is where you think they are, an interrupted session can be detrimental to the finished product, so, by any means necessary, track your victim (step 3 will help with this).
3. Illicit help, there is strength in numbers- Get your friends on board! gather your troops. This will prove beneficial any many ways. You will be able to cover more area in shorter time. You will be able to use advanced throwing techniques such as the "over-under buddy toss" or the "fireman hand off". This will also help you when it comes time for retaliation, as there almost always is when engaging in TP wars. Your victim cannot possibly counter attack your whole group.
And, most importantly, the GOLDEN RULE of Toilet Paper:
4. Leave no stone unturned, and no property scarred- that's right, don't do any permanent damage. Nothing counteracts the beauty of a well-done TP mission worse than a trampled planter, or broken window. Act stealthily and gingerly. Take care in your work, and everyone wins! But make sure you get every last piece of property that you can! here's a few ideas on finishing touches that will really let your victim know how much you care
-Forking: buy a box of plastic forks, a couple bucks for hundreds, and set one of your soldiers up to stab them into the lawn. This creates a beautiful visual and actually helps to irrigate said lawn.
- Saran-wrapping is your friend: if there's a car to be done, this is a time tested, mother approved technique. While your picking up your econo-size pack of TP at the costco, stop by the restaurant product isle and grab and industrial roll of saran wrap. Use this to completely wrap the entire car, making it impossible for the owner to get inside. This will cause no damage, but will frustrate the hell out of your victim, as they won't realise the situation until after they've taken down the tremendous amounts of TP.
and my last little helpful hint:
-Chalk: personalise your battleground by taking a minute to write some funny notes to your buddy, it'll really give them a warm-fuzzy feeling in their loins, they'll know they're loved.
So , dear readers, I urge you: GET OUT THERE! SPREAD THE TP LOVE! And report back here with pictures of your finished product for all to enjoy. I'm serious, you won't regret it!
Here are a few pics of some of my more recent jobs.......

1. This ain't your 2nd grade Slumber Party debacle- You are an adult now, and have the resources to do an adult TP job. Commit! Plan Ahead. Make sure you have examined the potential target. How much toilet paper will you need for coverage? Save yourself a dime, and make an advance run to costco, skip the last minute shopping spree. Have your product unwrapped and ready for quick disbursement onsite. Speed and Agility are your biggest allies.
2. Get your timing right- We big kids stay out late. We work, we go to bars, we do walks of shame. Make sure your target is where you think they are, an interrupted session can be detrimental to the finished product, so, by any means necessary, track your victim (step 3 will help with this).
3. Illicit help, there is strength in numbers- Get your friends on board! gather your troops. This will prove beneficial any many ways. You will be able to cover more area in shorter time. You will be able to use advanced throwing techniques such as the "over-under buddy toss" or the "fireman hand off". This will also help you when it comes time for retaliation, as there almost always is when engaging in TP wars. Your victim cannot possibly counter attack your whole group.
And, most importantly, the GOLDEN RULE of Toilet Paper:
4. Leave no stone unturned, and no property scarred- that's right, don't do any permanent damage. Nothing counteracts the beauty of a well-done TP mission worse than a trampled planter, or broken window. Act stealthily and gingerly. Take care in your work, and everyone wins! But make sure you get every last piece of property that you can! here's a few ideas on finishing touches that will really let your victim know how much you care
-Forking: buy a box of plastic forks, a couple bucks for hundreds, and set one of your soldiers up to stab them into the lawn. This creates a beautiful visual and actually helps to irrigate said lawn.
- Saran-wrapping is your friend: if there's a car to be done, this is a time tested, mother approved technique. While your picking up your econo-size pack of TP at the costco, stop by the restaurant product isle and grab and industrial roll of saran wrap. Use this to completely wrap the entire car, making it impossible for the owner to get inside. This will cause no damage, but will frustrate the hell out of your victim, as they won't realise the situation until after they've taken down the tremendous amounts of TP.
and my last little helpful hint:
-Chalk: personalise your battleground by taking a minute to write some funny notes to your buddy, it'll really give them a warm-fuzzy feeling in their loins, they'll know they're loved.
So , dear readers, I urge you: GET OUT THERE! SPREAD THE TP LOVE! And report back here with pictures of your finished product for all to enjoy. I'm serious, you won't regret it!
Here are a few pics of some of my more recent jobs.......
Life On Life's Terms
Sometimes I feel like I just can't win. Like every silver lining has a big fuckin gnarly gray cloud wrapped around it. I guess that's the way it is for most people sometimes. Let me tell you though, if that Karma crap really does exist, you might want to stick by my side, because honey, I'm cashing in HUGE! I mean lear jet, Bentley, platinum huge. So, fingers crossed for Karma, cuz momma needs to get her hair did!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
You Know You're Getting Old When
For the first time, you actually, truly understand the feeling of nostalgia.
nos⋅tal⋅gia [no-stal-juh, -jee-uh, nuh-]:
1. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.
2. A wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time
nos⋅tal⋅gia [no-stal-juh, -jee-uh, nuh-]:
1. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.
2. A wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time
Friday, November 7, 2008
Can You Believe It?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What Dreams May Come
This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."
And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!
Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado!
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!
But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!
Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
-MLK jr
This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."
And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!
Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado!
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!
But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!
Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
-MLK jr
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
What Hatred Breeds
I live and attend college in Orange County, Ca., a county known for its conservatism/ republican stance. However, the campus at which I attend school is pretty diverse and the student body relatively well-rounded. I am a democrat, and strong support of the Obama/ Biden ticket. I have a small bumper sticker on my car which says "obama-biden". The other day I came out of class to find that someone had attempted to scratch the sticker off of my car and, having been unsuccessful, they keyed the car, from bumper to bumper. This random act, while minor, epitomizes what the McCain/ Palin campaign is putting forth. The mud-slinging, character attacking, hateful campaigning that these supposed leaders are doing is breeding hatred. If these so-called leaders can so easily slander their opponents names, what's to keep their supporters from following suit? McCain and Palin are resorting to measures that appeal to the ignorance of many voters, they are making false claims, twisting facts, and using loose language to convince uninformed voters that their own views and stances are superior, and even trying to present themselves as superior to their opponents. There are many voters out there who take what they hear at face value, they trust that the people in these esteemed positions will present them with the truth. And yet, as history has shown time and time again, with power comes corruptness- McCain and Palin exemplify this. Their candidacy is nothing short of shameful! In a time when our nation is facing great odds, we turn to our leaders looking for answers, searching for hope. Instead we watch the Republican candidates for office toy with their own people's vulnerability, encouraging aggression, racism, prejudice and hatred. I choose to stand up against this defamation. I choose to support HOPE and CHANGE and a plan for a better tomorrow. I refuse to let hatred decide my fate!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Overhead Projector?
Is that all you got Mac?
"McCain: Said Obama supported a congressional earmark of "$3 million for an overhead projector at a planetarium in Chicago."
The facts: McCain's phrase suggests Obama spent
$3 million on a piece of old-fashioned office equipment that projects charts and text on a wall screen. In fact, the money was for an overhaul of the theater system that projects images of stars and planets for educational shows at Chicago's Adler Planetarium."
It's actually quite an inspiring an innovative project.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
It's That Time Of Year! Serious Stuff, My Friends!
For those of you who don't know me well, or have just recently made my acquaintance, let me tell you a little story about Christmas last year.
Mid December I went shopping at the local malls, the usual all day Christmas shopping gig.
Long story short, about 12 hours after getting home, I started to feel a lil under the weather... Flu-like symptoms. I figured it was nothing and decided to sleep it off. I woke up to body shakes, violent vomiting, the whole shuhbang. I pretty much spent the next eight hours either throwing up or thriving in pain, unable to eat or drink anything. I figured it was the flu, what could be done? Just sleep it off, right? Finally I managed to get a little sleep. I woke up to an empty house, in a complete state of dulerium, confused and disoriented. I managed to get a hold of a thermometer... my 100 degree temperature had turned into 105! I called for help and rushed to the ER...
Turns out it was Bird Flu!
Yes, you read right, BIRD FLU...... like on the local news?!!?
I spent my christmas in bed, pretty much quarantined from anyone and everyone, especially my grandparents and little cousins.
So there's a moral to this story:
seriously, I thought I was going to die, it ruined the holidays for me, I lost 20 pounds... It's not worth it!
I'd always believed the Flu Shots were primarily for the elderly, its a common misconception.
Flu Shots are for everyone! EVERYONE!
It'll be the best $20 bucks you spend this holiday season.
Here's some places that administer the vaccines:
Vons/ Safeway
Or visit the American Lung Society's website to learn more and find a location near you!
Do it for Me!
Mid December I went shopping at the local malls, the usual all day Christmas shopping gig.
Long story short, about 12 hours after getting home, I started to feel a lil under the weather... Flu-like symptoms. I figured it was nothing and decided to sleep it off. I woke up to body shakes, violent vomiting, the whole shuhbang. I pretty much spent the next eight hours either throwing up or thriving in pain, unable to eat or drink anything. I figured it was the flu, what could be done? Just sleep it off, right? Finally I managed to get a little sleep. I woke up to an empty house, in a complete state of dulerium, confused and disoriented. I managed to get a hold of a thermometer... my 100 degree temperature had turned into 105! I called for help and rushed to the ER...
Turns out it was Bird Flu!
Yes, you read right, BIRD FLU...... like on the local news?!!?
I spent my christmas in bed, pretty much quarantined from anyone and everyone, especially my grandparents and little cousins.
So there's a moral to this story:
seriously, I thought I was going to die, it ruined the holidays for me, I lost 20 pounds... It's not worth it!
I'd always believed the Flu Shots were primarily for the elderly, its a common misconception.
Flu Shots are for everyone! EVERYONE!
It'll be the best $20 bucks you spend this holiday season.
Here's some places that administer the vaccines:
Vons/ Safeway
Or visit the American Lung Society's website to learn more and find a location near you!
Do it for Me!
So, I wanted to blog about this, but I think my good buddy Julio hit the nail on the head...
From Julio Speaks His Mind :
"So Sen. John McCain today announces that because of the crumbling economy (which I completely concur is in dire need of repair) he is going to return to Washington and put a temporary suspension on his presidential campaign. Apart from this, he wants to postpone the crucial and initial presidential debate that is scheduled to happen 2 days from now between himself and Sen. Obama until Oct. 2nd, which by mere coincidence (yeah right!) happens to be when the initial Vice Presidential debate is scheduled to occur. How convenient that he is recommending that his debate with Barack Obama be moved to that day, and that the debate between Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden be rescheduled for a later unspecified date. Gov. Palin has already made herself look bad with the Gibson interview and looked as if she did not know what she was talking about during tonight's interview with Katie Couric. This is what Sen. John McCain pulls while our nation is dealing with conditions that analysts are comparing to the Great Depression? I don't blame him for wanting to go to Washington (which he AND Sen. Obama are already doing tomorrow!) and helping this bailout plan to get approved with the correct provisions, but cancel the first debate? We are 40 days from the election and this is the time that the American public needs to clearly see what plan of action both of the candidates intend to take to help resolve this economic crisis and the differences in those plans. One of these two men will inherent this Bush administration bailout plan and we need to know what other insight they have to what they believe is the best course of action.
It appears Sen. McCain is more worried about political stunts, and the very scary reality that Gov. Palin will be seen soon during a live debate, where she does not have a pre-approved speech being prompted to her, and having to answer real world/real issue questions. If I am expected to multitask for my line of work, then don't you think the potential leader of the free world should be able to do the same? You don't suspend your campaign as a political stunt and you don't try and pull out of a debate that is so important to millions of Americans (not to mention undecided voters, I hope this helps open your eyes!), and you don't try to get the potential Vice President off center stage because you are afraid she will expose herself as the true inexperienced and under qualified candidate for the position she is. You don't do any of those things, you multi-task! Just as you would have to do if you, by some fluke, happen to get voted into office as President. This debate has been in the planning for a year and a half and the people of Oxford, MS (where the debate is to take place) and the rest of the American public expect you to hold up your end of the deal and show up and let us know your views as opposed to Sen. Obama's. It's odd to tell a true American Hero this, but John McCain.....You need to step up!"
Here's a good article.
"So Sen. John McCain today announces that because of the crumbling economy (which I completely concur is in dire need of repair) he is going to return to Washington and put a temporary suspension on his presidential campaign. Apart from this, he wants to postpone the crucial and initial presidential debate that is scheduled to happen 2 days from now between himself and Sen. Obama until Oct. 2nd, which by mere coincidence (yeah right!) happens to be when the initial Vice Presidential debate is scheduled to occur. How convenient that he is recommending that his debate with Barack Obama be moved to that day, and that the debate between Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden be rescheduled for a later unspecified date. Gov. Palin has already made herself look bad with the Gibson interview and looked as if she did not know what she was talking about during tonight's interview with Katie Couric. This is what Sen. John McCain pulls while our nation is dealing with conditions that analysts are comparing to the Great Depression? I don't blame him for wanting to go to Washington (which he AND Sen. Obama are already doing tomorrow!) and helping this bailout plan to get approved with the correct provisions, but cancel the first debate? We are 40 days from the election and this is the time that the American public needs to clearly see what plan of action both of the candidates intend to take to help resolve this economic crisis and the differences in those plans. One of these two men will inherent this Bush administration bailout plan and we need to know what other insight they have to what they believe is the best course of action.
It appears Sen. McCain is more worried about political stunts, and the very scary reality that Gov. Palin will be seen soon during a live debate, where she does not have a pre-approved speech being prompted to her, and having to answer real world/real issue questions. If I am expected to multitask for my line of work, then don't you think the potential leader of the free world should be able to do the same? You don't suspend your campaign as a political stunt and you don't try and pull out of a debate that is so important to millions of Americans (not to mention undecided voters, I hope this helps open your eyes!), and you don't try to get the potential Vice President off center stage because you are afraid she will expose herself as the true inexperienced and under qualified candidate for the position she is. You don't do any of those things, you multi-task! Just as you would have to do if you, by some fluke, happen to get voted into office as President. This debate has been in the planning for a year and a half and the people of Oxford, MS (where the debate is to take place) and the rest of the American public expect you to hold up your end of the deal and show up and let us know your views as opposed to Sen. Obama's. It's odd to tell a true American Hero this, but John McCain.....You need to step up!"
Here's a good article.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
you'll see
I've been watching your world from afar,
I've been trying to be where you are,
And I've been secretly falling apart,
I'll see.
To me, you're strange and you're beautiful,
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see,
You turn every head but you don't see me.
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you.
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.
Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first,
Sometimes, the first thing you want never comes,
And I know, the waiting is all you can do,
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep,
I'll put a spell on you,
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep 'cos I'll put a spell on you,
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me, yeah...
(strange and beautiful- aqualung)
I've been trying to be where you are,
And I've been secretly falling apart,
I'll see.
To me, you're strange and you're beautiful,
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see,
You turn every head but you don't see me.
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you.
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.
Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first,
Sometimes, the first thing you want never comes,
And I know, the waiting is all you can do,
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep,
I'll put a spell on you,
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep 'cos I'll put a spell on you,
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me, yeah...
(strange and beautiful- aqualung)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Please say a prayer....
Today I started my volunteering with the Adapted Physical Education program at school. I was paired with an older man named Dick who suffers from a sort of paralysis of the left side of his body. While we were doing a weightlifting exercise, a weight Dick was holding with his good arm was too heavy and Dick's arm gave out, which resulted in it snapping back at the elbow. Dick had to go to the ER, and at this point I do not know the extent of his injury. There is a good chance that his arm could be broken. I am heartbroken to have played a part in this. So I'm asking you all to please take a moment and say a prayer to your collective higher powers on behalf of Dick. His mobility is soo very limited, it would be devastating if he were to have any serious damage to the strongest part of his body. Thanks you guys.
----<3 jr
----<3 jr
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Our Potential Vice President???
An interesting article....
Here's a sneak peek
"What is your take on global warming and how is it affecting our country?
A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made."
NOT MAN-MADE!????? you've got to be kidding me.
Here's a sneak peek
"What is your take on global warming and how is it affecting our country?
A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made."
NOT MAN-MADE!????? you've got to be kidding me.
An open letter to God, from Michael Moore
Sunday, August 31st, 2008
Dear God,
The other night, the Rev. James Dobson's ministry asked all believers to pray for a storm on Thursday night so that the Obama acceptance speech outdoors in Denver would have to be cancelled.
I see that You have answered Rev. Dobson's prayers -- except the storm You have sent to earth is not over Denver, but on its way to New Orleans! In fact, You have scheduled it to hit Louisiana at exactly the moment that George W. Bush is to deliver his speech at the Republican National Convention.
Now, heavenly Father, we all know You have a great sense of humor and impeccable timing. To send a hurricane on the third anniversary of the Katrina disaster AND right at the beginning of the Republican Convention was, at first blush, a stroke of divine irony. I don't blame You, I know You're angry that the Republicans tried to blame YOU for Katrina by calling it an "Act of God" -- when the truth was that the hurricane itself caused few casualties in New Orleans. Over a thousand people died because of the mistakes and neglect caused by humans, not You.
Some of us tried to help after Katrina hit, while Bush ate cake with McCain and twiddled his thumbs. I closed my office in New York and sent my entire staff down to New Orleans to help. I asked people on my website to contribute to the relief effort I organized -- and I ended up sending over two million dollars in donations, food, water, and supplies (collected from thousands of fans) to New Orleans while Bush's FEMA ice trucks were still driving around Maine three weeks later.
But this past Thursday night, the Washington Post reported that the Republicans had begun making plans to possibly postpone the convention. The AP had reported that there were no shelters set up in New Orleans for this storm, and that the levee repairs have not been adequate. In other words, as the great Ronald Reagan would say, "There you go again!"
So the last thing John McCain and the Republicans needed was to have a split-screen on TVs across America: one side with Bush and McCain partying in St. Paul, and on the other side of the screen, live footage of their Republican administration screwing up once again while New Orleans drowns.
So, yes, You have scared the Jesus, Mary and Joseph out of them, and more than a few million of your followers tip their hats to You.
But now it appears that You haven't been having just a little fun with Bush & Co. It appears that Hurricane Gustav is truly heading to New Orleans and the Gulf coast. We hear You, O Lord, loud and clear, just as we did when Rev. Falwell said You made 9/11 happen because of all those gays and abortions. We beseech You, O Merciful One, not to punish us again as Pat Robertson said You did by giving us Katrina because of America's "wholesale slaughter of unborn children." His sentiments were echoed by other Republicans in 2005.
So this is my plea to you: Don't do this to Louisiana again. The Republicans got your message. They are scrambling and doing the best they can to get planes, trains and buses to New Orleans so that everyone can get out. They haven't sent the entire Louisiana National Guard to Iraq this time -- they are already patrolling the city streets. And, in a nod to I don't know what, Bush's head of FEMA has named a man to help manage the federal government's response. His name is W. Michael Moore. I kid you not, heavenly Father. They have sent a man with both my name AND W's to help save the Gulf Coast.
So please God, let the storm die out at sea. It's done enough damage already. If you do this one favor for me, I promise not to invoke your name again. I'll leave that to the followers of Rev. Dobson and to those gathering this week in St. Paul.
Your faithful servant and former seminarian,
Michael Moore
MichaelMoore. com
P.S. To all of God's fellow children who are reading this, the city New Orleans has not yet recovered from Katrina. Please click here for a list of things you can do to help our brothers and sisters on the Gulf Coast. And, if you do live along the Gulf Coast, please take all necessary safety precautions immediately.
Dear God,
The other night, the Rev. James Dobson's ministry asked all believers to pray for a storm on Thursday night so that the Obama acceptance speech outdoors in Denver would have to be cancelled.
I see that You have answered Rev. Dobson's prayers -- except the storm You have sent to earth is not over Denver, but on its way to New Orleans! In fact, You have scheduled it to hit Louisiana at exactly the moment that George W. Bush is to deliver his speech at the Republican National Convention.
Now, heavenly Father, we all know You have a great sense of humor and impeccable timing. To send a hurricane on the third anniversary of the Katrina disaster AND right at the beginning of the Republican Convention was, at first blush, a stroke of divine irony. I don't blame You, I know You're angry that the Republicans tried to blame YOU for Katrina by calling it an "Act of God" -- when the truth was that the hurricane itself caused few casualties in New Orleans. Over a thousand people died because of the mistakes and neglect caused by humans, not You.
Some of us tried to help after Katrina hit, while Bush ate cake with McCain and twiddled his thumbs. I closed my office in New York and sent my entire staff down to New Orleans to help. I asked people on my website to contribute to the relief effort I organized -- and I ended up sending over two million dollars in donations, food, water, and supplies (collected from thousands of fans) to New Orleans while Bush's FEMA ice trucks were still driving around Maine three weeks later.
But this past Thursday night, the Washington Post reported that the Republicans had begun making plans to possibly postpone the convention. The AP had reported that there were no shelters set up in New Orleans for this storm, and that the levee repairs have not been adequate. In other words, as the great Ronald Reagan would say, "There you go again!"
So the last thing John McCain and the Republicans needed was to have a split-screen on TVs across America: one side with Bush and McCain partying in St. Paul, and on the other side of the screen, live footage of their Republican administration screwing up once again while New Orleans drowns.
So, yes, You have scared the Jesus, Mary and Joseph out of them, and more than a few million of your followers tip their hats to You.
But now it appears that You haven't been having just a little fun with Bush & Co. It appears that Hurricane Gustav is truly heading to New Orleans and the Gulf coast. We hear You, O Lord, loud and clear, just as we did when Rev. Falwell said You made 9/11 happen because of all those gays and abortions. We beseech You, O Merciful One, not to punish us again as Pat Robertson said You did by giving us Katrina because of America's "wholesale slaughter of unborn children." His sentiments were echoed by other Republicans in 2005.
So this is my plea to you: Don't do this to Louisiana again. The Republicans got your message. They are scrambling and doing the best they can to get planes, trains and buses to New Orleans so that everyone can get out. They haven't sent the entire Louisiana National Guard to Iraq this time -- they are already patrolling the city streets. And, in a nod to I don't know what, Bush's head of FEMA has named a man to help manage the federal government's response. His name is W. Michael Moore. I kid you not, heavenly Father. They have sent a man with both my name AND W's to help save the Gulf Coast.
So please God, let the storm die out at sea. It's done enough damage already. If you do this one favor for me, I promise not to invoke your name again. I'll leave that to the followers of Rev. Dobson and to those gathering this week in St. Paul.
Your faithful servant and former seminarian,
Michael Moore
MichaelMoore. com
P.S. To all of God's fellow children who are reading this, the city New Orleans has not yet recovered from Katrina. Please click here for a list of things you can do to help our brothers and sisters on the Gulf Coast. And, if you do live along the Gulf Coast, please take all necessary safety precautions immediately.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
reading, writing, and arithmetic
School started this week. Ugh. It's bitter sweet. Another semester, another step closer to the end, to the goal, to the light in the tunnel. Another semester, another professor, another stress, another dollar.... I got lucky with this one, was able to pick up all the classes I needed via petition. The odds were definitely against me. Junior college is tough, loads of students and limited resources, too many kids, not enough teachers- not enough time in the day. Our current government administration hasn't been kind to the education system and its crazy to see the consequences first hand. I can only hope that there is HOPE for the future, that our potential future leaders will really implement the reform they promise because I have big plans for my own future.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Emails from the Bishop
"An Elderly man in Florida had owned a large farm for several
> years. He
> had a large pond in the back, fixed up nicely: Picnic
> tables, horseshoe
> courts, a volleyball court, and some apple and peach trees.
> The pond was properly shaped and fixed up for swimming. One
> evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond and
> look it over, as he
> hadn't been there in a while. He grabbed a five-gallon
> bucket to bring
> back some fruit.
> As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and
> laughing with glee. As he came closer, he saw it was a
> bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond. He made
> the women aware of his presence and they all went to the
> deep end. One of the women shouted to him, "We're
> not coming out until you leave!"
> The old man frowned, "I didn't come down here to
> watch you ladies swim naked or make you get out of the pond
> naked"
> Holding the bucket up he said, "I'm here to feed
> the alligator"
> Old men can still think fast"
* please be warned that this is a more milder one of his emails... typically the ones I receive are more politically driven, usually pretty narrow-minded without any fact checking, and are ALWAYS in direct opposition to my own political views. Hence my desire to include them in my blog. I just thought I'd get it started with a little humor....
> years. He
> had a large pond in the back, fixed up nicely: Picnic
> tables, horseshoe
> courts, a volleyball court, and some apple and peach trees.
> The pond was properly shaped and fixed up for swimming. One
> evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond and
> look it over, as he
> hadn't been there in a while. He grabbed a five-gallon
> bucket to bring
> back some fruit.
> As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and
> laughing with glee. As he came closer, he saw it was a
> bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond. He made
> the women aware of his presence and they all went to the
> deep end. One of the women shouted to him, "We're
> not coming out until you leave!"
> The old man frowned, "I didn't come down here to
> watch you ladies swim naked or make you get out of the pond
> naked"
> Holding the bucket up he said, "I'm here to feed
> the alligator"
> Old men can still think fast"
* please be warned that this is a more milder one of his emails... typically the ones I receive are more politically driven, usually pretty narrow-minded without any fact checking, and are ALWAYS in direct opposition to my own political views. Hence my desire to include them in my blog. I just thought I'd get it started with a little humor....
New Spin?
My friend and blogging mentor Dharma Bum has a cool thing going with the "Letters From Mom" section of his blog..... Let me tell you, I love it! So, as any smart person does with someone else's good idea, I'm going to steal it! Okay, not really steal it so much as be inspired by it? Nevermind, you're right, I am stealing it. My version shall be called "Emails from the Bishop"- this requires a bit of an explanation I reckon..... you see, my grandpa holds the highest rank of ordination within the Catholic church that a married man can hold (no, he's not a bishop, just wait, you'll understand). As most people know, the Catholic church has some pretty ornate outfits for its disciples, and my gramps has quite a few lavish robed outfits for different festivities. Well, a neighbor of my ma and pa's once saw a picture of my grandma and grandpa together, him dressed in a particularly "extravagant" ensemble....Now they were posed as any affectionate married couple would be, and, finding that a bit peculiar, our neighbor says "Wow, punky (my grandma((another good family nickname))) sure is getting familiar with that bishop!" Long story short, we explained that it was my grandpa, and from that day forward they became Punky & the Bishop. All that being said, "Emails from the Bishop" will highlight some of the more noteworthy of the hundreds (yes hundreds) of chain and forwarded emails I receive from my gramps each week. Hopefully you'll enjoy, and more importantly, hopefully I'll do Dharma Bum proud!
My mom and grandma were always finding cool ways to entertain us and try to teach us a thing or two when we were little. I used to love science experiments....... One of my favorite things to play with was oobleck, a mix of cornstarch and water.... The goo in this video had me convinced that my mom had magical powers!
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Today is my first sunday not spent slinging mimosas and bloody marys in probably a year. Wow. If you care, I actually had saturday AND sunday off, shoot, lets throw in a MONDAY too!??? Not since the year of our lord 2006 have i had that group of days strung together without work.....(and I didn't even ask for these, people!) It does feel good to be free on a weekend, but I'm kinda cringing knowing how much money I'm losin out on... so what do I do, in true, all-american, white-trash form? I wake up and have a garage sale!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Another day in paradise
Today, at around noon, a wasted, I mean WASTED older man (probably mid 50s) sat down at my bar. I'm not sure exactly how I managed to enrage him, other than asking his wife if evian was okay, but he went on a tirade of viscous expletives about me, my face, my demeanor, his intent to get me fired, yada yada....... Never in my life have i had so many four letter words thrown at me, about me, in such an attacking way. While I survived the incident unscathed, which required me actually having to flee from the situation, my frustrated and overwhelmed hormones reduced me to tears. And that pissed me off. In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't say anything back to this asshole, because I've no doubt whatsoever that he would have physically attacked me, whether by throwing something at me or jumping across the bar as he was poised to do right before I dismissed myself, I feel like I betrayed myself, or was betrayed by my girly instincts. Why cry? ugh! what does that do? I didn't stand up for myself. I didn't tell the jerk where he could shove his intoxicated insults. I stood there, and took it, looking him dead in the eye as he called me things that men are forbidden to call women, even in the most dire of situations, words that only other women can call the %$^& who slept with her boyfriend....... I just hate that he felt like he won. He sent me running. He suffered no consequence other than being asked to leave by the sweetest little red headed gayboy bartender i know. Is this what I do for a living? Is this who I've become? Am I so aptly trained in customer service that I just sit and listen to some idiot insult every ounce of my being without standing up for myself?
yep, just another day in paradise.
yep, just another day in paradise.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Will Work For Food!
So.... I need a new job. I can't do it anymore. "The Factory" is killing me! Today was ridiculous- out of control. Our corporate manager was in all day, riding us hard. Anything and everything that could go wrong did. He spoke to me like I was 5 all day. I just can't keep putting in these hours for such shitty money. I'm lucky to make in two shifts what I used to make in one. To top off my 9 hours in hell, I came home to find a notice that my health benefits are being cancelled do to lack of hours. I haven't taken vacation, I've worked what I've been scheduled, however its not enough, and I can't have something as important as health insurance be in limbo. It's really the only reason I've stuck with this place for so long.
So I've decided. I'm done and done. Time to move on. I know I can do better, shit, I deserve better. Tomorrow I start my hunt.... fingers crossed! If anyone out there knows somewhere that's hiring..... hook a girl up! I've got a damn good resume, I promise!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Closing thoughts....
Today I stared at Wayne Newton for 2 hours, but I didn't talk to him.
The smaller the chimichanga, the better.
I've had a headache everyday for the last 9 years.
Wafer cookies don't get the credit they deserve.
Cherry coke is best done in moderation.
Criminalizing fireworks should be illegal.
Danke Schoen
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